/commands - Returns a list of available in-game commands.
/news - Returns a list of pending arrests, rescues, bodyguard services, raids, kidnappings, and robberies among all online players.
/roles - Returns a list of available roles you can pick from, using /role rolename.
/kits - Returns a list of available kits you can pick from, using /kit kitname.
/checkroleplayername - Checks the specified player's current role.
/recordplayername - Checks the specified player's past criminal record - Lost court cases, their dates, and the offense they committed.
/tpaplayername - Requests a teleport to another player.
/tpaaccept | deny- Accepts or denmies a player's request to teleport to your location.
/payplayernameamount - Sends money to the specified player.
/pmplayername - Sends a message to the specified player.
/buyitemidOR"itemname" (with quotation marks - " ") - Purchases an item from the shop.
/buy vvehicleidOR"vehiclename" (with quotation marks - " ") - Purchases a vehicle from the shop.
/sellitemidOR"itemname" (with quotation marks - " ") - Sells an item to the shop.
/sellbox - Opens a small virtual box that you may fill up with items that you wish to sell.
/costitemidOR"itemname" (with quotation marks - " ") - Checks the price of an item in the shop.
/cost v vehicleidOR"vehiclename" (with quotation marks - " ") - Checks the price of a vehicle in the shop.
/balance - Displays the amount of Bamboo you have in your wallet.
/trash - Opens up storage into which you can drag your unwanted items to dispense of them.
/compass - Displays the direction your character is facing.
/itemid - Displays the name and ID of the item you are holding and / or vehicle you are driving.
/cooldown - Displays the current cooldown time for your Raid, Kidnap and Rob actions.
/over - /over Ends your participation of any RP events of which you are a member.
/trash - A vault-like interface opens up, and you may drag the desired items into the trash.
Tip: If an item, vehicle, or player name contains spaces, remember to use "quotes"" around the name when typing them in a command.
Vault & Garage Commands
/vaults - Displays your available vaults. Use /vault vaultnameto open your desired vault.
/impoundtake (/itake) slot - (Without brackets) Take the selected vehicle out of your impound garage (spawn it on the map). The fee depends on the type of vehicle.
/impounddelete (/idel) slot - (Without brackets) Permanently delete a vehicle in your impound garage.
/impoundlist (/ilist) - Check garage your impound garage contents and the slots in which they are stored.
/gdel slot - (Without brackets) Permanently delete a vehicle in a garage slot.
/gadd - Adds the vehicle you are looking at into your garage.
/gtake slot - (Without brackets) Take the selected vehicle out of garage (spawn it on the map).
/gdel slot - (Without brackets) Permanently delete a vehicle in a garage slot.
/glist - Check garage your garage contents and the slots in which they are stored.
Note - Your vehicle must be locked by you before you can store it in your garage!
Note - Note - You must be in a Garage Region in order to use /gadd, /gtake or /impoundtake (/itake). Otherwise you will not be able to store or take out your stored vehicles.
Commands: Police Communication
To call the Police during an emergency: Type /policesouth of Tacoma(No quotes needed)
This will broadcast to all players in law-enforcement: "[DISPATCH]: Catnip is calling an emergency near south Tacoma!"
Outlaw roles cannot use /police
To use the police radio:/prNeed backup at liberation bridge!(No quotes needed)
This will broadcast to all players in law-enforcement: "[RADIO] Jroc: Need backup at liberation bridge!"
To call a Rescue on a kidnapping, you may type:/rescue Classified
Typing the above command announces: "Dutchy is rescuing Classified!!"
To call off or end a rescue, you may type:/rescueover
This will announce in world chat: "Hardium has called off his rescue mission!"
To view details about ongoing rescues, you may type: /rescues
This will display a list of online players currently participating in a rescue.
This command is available to all players.
To confiscate a gun from a player that doesn't have a license for their gun you must do: /trash(You must put the illegal items in the storage that will open up)
To check if somebody has a license for their guns you may do: /checkplayerplayer Example: /checkplayerPossum
Commands: Gun Licenses
To buy a license you may type:/licensebuyWeapon Name/IDdays
Example: /licensebuyMaplestrike5 - This command buys a Maplestrike license valid for 5 days.
To extend your existing license you may type:/licenseextendWeapon Name/IDdays.
Example: /licenseextendMaplestrike4 - This command extends your Maplestrike's license by 4 days.
You MUST be in a license store zone to use these commands.
If caught with no license on you by the police ranks you will have your gun confiscated and can be also given jail time.
You can also do /licenses to list your guns and show you if you have a license for them and how long until they expire.
Commands: Arresting, Jailing & Charging
To arrest a player, you may type:/arrestplayername"reason"(Quotes needed if more than one word)
This will announce in world chat: "Jine has just arrested Cake for possession of berries!"
To call off or end an arrest, you may type:/arrestover
This will announce in world chat: "Jine has called off their arrest!"
After arresting a player, you may jail them by typing:/jailplayernameTimeInMinutes
This will announce in world chat: "Jine has been put in jail by Officer Cake for 5 minutes!"
After the player's arrest time expires, the following is announced in world chat:"Jine's jail time is up!"
The player's arrest is automatically removed from the /arrests list.
To view details about ongoing arrests, you may type: /arrests
This will display a list of online players currently arrested and the list of players participating in each arrest.
This command is available to Lawyers and Police members.
To charge a player with a crime so that it may be decided by a Judge, you may type:/chargeplayername"crime or offense"(Quotes needed if more than one word)
This will announce in world chat: "Yoseph has been charged with: Possession of berries x18! A Judge will review the case shortly."
You must be a Police Chief or higher to charge a player with a crime. Only players whose jail time matches or exceeds 5 minutes may be granted a court hearing.
You may choose not to file charges against the player, even if their jail time matches or exceeds 5 minutes. The arrested player may request a court hearing, but you are not required to grant it.
To check a player's criminal record, you may type:/recordplayername
This returns a list of the specified player's past criminal record - Lost court cases, their dates, and the offense they committed.
Police Chief and higher have access to this command.
Police Officers of ALL TIERS may arrest and jail other players.
Only Police Chiefs and higher may charge players with a crime.
Police Officers do NOT have a cooldown timer before arresting another player.
If a player is inside a License Shop, you MAY NOT arrest them for having an unlicensed weapon. However, you may arrest them for any other valid reason, such as possession of berries, explosives, etc.
Commands: Tickets
As a Police Officer and higher, to issue a ticket to a player, you may type:/ticketplayername"1x unlicensed guns"(Quotes needed if more than one word)BambooAmount
This will announce in world chat that the ticket has been issued.
The ticket will remain valid until it is paid off or revoked by a Judge or Law Enforcement.
The maximum ticket amount is 1000 Bamboo.
60% of the Bamboo collected from tickets is deposited to a Bank Account accessible only by the Mayor.
The remaining 40% of the Bamboo collected from tickets goes to the Officer that issued the ticket.
Ticket amounts are subject to the Officer's discretion and may be appealed to higher-ranked authorities.
If a player does not pay off their outstanding ticket(s) within 1 (one) hour of them being issued, the player must be arrested. In the case of serious crimes or repeat offenders, the player may receive a warrant.
Their outstanding tickets must be removed by law enforcement authorities once the player's jail term has been fulfilled.
If the player chooses to pay their outstanding tickets upon arrest, they may be let go without jail time.
Officers: To view a list of pending tickets for all players currently on the Server, you may type:/ticketlist
Officers: To view a list of pending tickets for a specified online player, you may type:/tickets playername
Officers: To remove a ticket in the case of erroneous or pardoned circumstances, you may type:/removeticketTicketID
The two commands above are also accessible by Moderators and higher.
Players: To see your pending tickets, you may type:/tickets
Players: To pay off a ticket, you may type:/payticketTicketID
If a friend has a pending ticket but does not have enough Bamboo to pay for it, you may use this command to pay off his ticket!
Mayor: To check the town's Bank Account balance, you may type:/townbalance
Mayor: To withdraw all funds from the town's Bank Account, you may type:/withdrawtickets
To call a raid, you may type:/raid(Raid Reason here, make sure to include information like base size, base material, and cardinal direction from nearest map point)(No quotes needed)
This will announce a two-minute warning until you may raid the base: "Miku is raiding a base at 4x4x3 Metal Base near North of Seattle bridge in 120 seconds!"
After two minutes is up, it will automatically announce: "Two minutes are up! Miku is raiding a base at 4x4x3 Metal Base near North of Seattle bridge!"
To call off or end a raid, you may type:/raidover
This will announce in world chat: "Miku's raid is over!"
To assist in another player's raid, you may type:/raid assistMiku
This will announce in world chat: "Dutchy is assisting in Miku's raid!"
To view details about ongoing raids, you may type: /raids
This will display a list of online players currently participating in a raid.
This command is available to all players.
Raids have a 1-hour cooldown timer before performing another raid.
When raiding a building or structure with multiple owners, you can only raid one owner at a time, or one group at a time. (Ex. If a group owns 3 floors of it, you can raid those 3 floors in one raid, but not the 4th floor owned by someone not in the group)
Only the roles listed in the roles above may use /raid assist.
There is a 30-minute cooldown for all roles that assist in a raid EXCEPTBodyguards and Doctors.
Raids may be carried out by Bandits and Police roles. Police cannot assist in Bandits' raids and vice versa.
If a base is missing a minimal amount of structures (window, door, wall), it still classified as a base. This is to prevent players from abusing /raid location just to break down a door then immediately end their raid.
Officers and Bandits have a 60-minute cooldown before performing another raid.
You can call /raid on a base when beds or storage containers are located inside the base. The base must be mostly enclosed to call /raid.
There is a 60-minute cooldown for all roles that assist in a raid EXCEPTBodyguards and Doctors.
Commands: Placing Hits
To place a hit, you may type:/hitPleb2000
This will announce a 5-minute warning until the target has a hit on their head: "Hit placed on Pleb for 2000 Bamboo! Hit will be valid in 5 minutes."
After five minutes are up, it will automatically announce: "There is a hit on Pleb's head for 2000 Bamboo!"
If another hit is placed on the same victim within 12 hours of the first hit, this will increase the hit's total bounty amount
To pay off a hit, you may type: /payhit
This will announce in world chat: "Pleb has avoided their hit by paying off the bounty!"
The hit amount will be subtracted from your balance and you will be removed off the hit list.
To see a list of all current hits, bounties, and their cooldowns, you may type: /hitlist
The following will be displayed in chat:
"Miku - 6845.00 Bamboo - 58 Minutes"
"Cake - 1500.00 Bamboo - 3 Minutes"
"Zero" - 1900.00 Bamboo - 35 Minutes"
If a player on the hit list is killed by a hitman, the hitman will be awarded the bounty: "Breadroll's hit is over! Jayy was awarded 1275.00 Bamboo(85%) for the kill."
To claim the hit bounty, a hitman must wait 30 minutes since their last successful hit, or else the bounty will not be awarded.
If a player on the hit list kills any hitman, their bounties will be removed and they will be awarded a portion of it: "Breadroll has avoided their hit by killing Jayy and received 375.00 Bamboo(25%)!"
Hitmen may do /prowl to check how long until you can hunt another person with a hit on them!
You can do /checkhitmanPlayerName to check how long until the hitman specified can kill a player with a hit on them again!
Commands: Lawyers & Clients
To offer your Law services to players who have been charged with a crime, you may type:/caseplayername1000
A message will automatically prompt the player:
"Lawyer PhantomPear wants to represent you in Court for a fee of $1000 Bamboo!"
"Type /case accept PhantomPear or /case deny PhantomPear."
If the player accepts your offer, a message will be broadcast in world chat: "PhantomPear is now acting as Yoseph's Lawyer for $1000 Bamboo!"
Once the charged player accepts your service offer, the fee amount is automatically debited from their account and transferred to your balance.
To find potential clients who currently have a pending court case, you may type:/cases
This will display a list of pending court cases among online players, along with their Case IDs.
You may communicate with your client and the Judge to schedule a hearing.
If the charged player has already fulfilled their prison time to its entirety, you MAY NOT send them a service offer.
You can also find potential clients by checking the list of players currently under arrest, by typing: /arrests
This will display a list of online players currently arrested. Note that these players may not yet have been charged with a court hearing.
After a player's arrest time expires, the following is announced in world chat: "Jine's jail time is up!"
As a Lawyer, to end or cancel your current Law services, you may type:/caseover
This will announce in world chat: "PhantomPear has ended their Law services for the time being."
To check who a Lawyer is currently defending, you may type:/casecheckplayername
The following will be displayed in private chat: "PhantomPear is currently defending Yoseph in court."or"PhantomPear is not currently defending anyone in court."
To check a player's criminal record, you may type:/recordplayername
This returns a list of the specified player's past criminal record - Lost court cases, their dates, and the offense they committed.
Police Chief and higher have access to this command.
As a player under arrest, you can check all Lawyer service offers you have received by typing: /caseoffers
This will display a list of online lawyers who have sent you an offer to defend you in court as well as their service fee.
To accept the Lawyer's services and pay them automatically, you may type: /caseacceptplayername
To decline the Lawyer's services, you may type: /casedeny OR declineplayername
Commands: Judges
As a Judge, you may hold a secondary role and go on Judge duty as needed. To toggle the Judge role on and off, you must type:/judge
This will add or remove the Judge tag from your name in chat.
Only players who have applied for the Judge role and been accepted have access to this command.
Players with the Judge role may pick any role secondary role using the /role command. Judges cannot go on duty while in the following roles:
Drug Lord
It is your duty to frequently check for pending court cases, by typing: /cases
This will display a list of pending court cases among online players, along with their Case IDs.
If the charged player has already fulfilled their prison time to its entirety, the player's court case must be marked as sentenced, so that it shows in their criminal record.
To sentence the defendant for their crimes, you may type: /sentenceplayername"Prison for 12 minutes"(Quotes needed if more than one word)
This will announce in world chat: "The court case ID #15 against Yoseph has been settled by Judge Mellon with the following judgement: Prison for 12 minutes."
Upon being sentenced, the convicted player must be handcuffed and escorted out of the courthouse by Police to fulfill the Judge's sentence.
The Judge's sentence may include prison time, a ticket issued by Law Enforcement Officers, or both.
Convicted players may not appeal the Judge's decision.
To dismiss a court case, you may type: /dismissCaseID
This will announce in world chat: "The Court Case ID #15 against Yoseph has been dismissed by Judge Mellon!"
Reasons for dismissing a court case include:
Conflicting or insufficient evidence against the defendant.
Peaceful settlement or agreement between both parties.
The Judge's own interpretation of the case.
To check a player's criminal record, you may type:/recordplayername
This returns a list of the specified player's past criminal record - Lost court cases, their dates, and the offense they committed.
Police Chief and higher have access to this command.
Commands: Hitman
As a Hitman, you can disguise yourself as a different role in chat by typing:/disguise role name
/disguise farmer will replace your Hitman chat tag with the Farmer tag.
Only players who are in the Hitman role have access to this command.