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By Pengu!
Howdy Panders,

With the rise of the RWC, I got more clips for another montage in my three day spree of videos. At the end of the video, I included some funny moments I encountered, so hopefully you'll have a laugh after you watch the montage. Enjoy guys! Also would love to hear your feedback on what you think about these videos, on this thread!

P.S. sh00t me and I'll bl0wtorcH you k1dd0
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By Offset!
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By Ace Clip
Do you really need to make one topic for one montage? I mean, can't you just like make 1 topic can post there eg. all montages from one month?
Its really annoying if you randomly search for some random topics and you find you'r topics about montages.
Thx anyways.
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By Liona

pretty lame
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By Javi-kun
trash kills of your advantage not even worth to record lol
Oh sorry for making 1000 IQ plays.
Not 1000iq 100iq
Since you had the advantage in most of em
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By Slushy
why did you make this a montage?
it's two minutes of you sitting in a floating tower with a maple hiding?
i'll give you the diner clip that was solid but the tower doesn't make sens why that's a montage?
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