Post Your Ideas or Suggestions for our RP Servers Here!
By Scroffel5
Now don't get me wrong. I do not mean every single rule. Some of the rules are there for a reason, and a good one at that. There are just too many rules. They limit the situations you can be in. I want more Free RP for Pandahut. DISCLAIMER: Miku and Aren, along with any other admin, mod, t-mod, or anyone else who wants to topic lock this, I have a problem with it. If you do so, I am reporting you to another admin. It probably won't do anything, but you have been warned.

I want a logical discussion/debate on the concept of getting rid of the rules. Don't say anything without answering the question "Why" somewhere in your comment. That means don't say "This is stupid." or "-1." without saying why you feel that way. There was some other point I wanted to make to why a lot of rules should go down the drain, but I can't really remember them right now, so I encourage you to comment and say what you think about it and then I will respond when I remember what I was trying to say.
Disclaimer: Again, do not topic lock this. This isn't a question that needs help. This is a discussion. A back and forth chit chat about this stuff. None of this is meant to sound like hate speech against Pandahut nor meant to offend anyone who is involved in the making of the server or rules nor that of enforcing them. Thank you and please, use discretion in what you say.
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By Yoshi
bruh sound effect #2
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By Jrider the one
OML :laugh:

best topic ever! :playfulpanda:
By Scroffel5
Ok can you at least just give some feedback?

EDIT: I remember what I was going to say now. As Miku said, you can't force people to work together. Very true, but the rules don't help anyone to do that either. Everyone is in control of their own actions, and chooses to do something based on what they want to do or know they should do. When you have all the restrictions taken away and/or the things that help make the game easier, people will either drift apart or come together. Those are your biggest 2 scenarios. Getting rid of the rules can make RP more fun, because people come down to doing those 2 things.
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By Pengu!
Somebody lock this im offended
Somebody lock this im offended
Somebody lock this im offended
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By Burnt
The rules shouldn’t be purged.

I’ve been around Pandahut for quite some time now, have experience in both stages, pre-commands and post commands. The rules have changed very little, and have always been adjusted base on what players want, for example you use to be able to raid, with rocket launchers, explosives and everything else, no blacklisted items. This was a meta, the cooldown was 30 minutes instead of 60, and you know what? 1 person could raid a whole MAX base (4x4x3) in 30 seconds or less, SOLO. The cops had very little chance and you know what everyone wanted? RPG’s gone and raid timer increased.
The rules are very simple to understand, you just have a problem with commands.

You’ll always have a problem with something, no one wanted the police cooldown for rescues, but they added it anyways due to criminals complaining.
You can’t please everybody, and it’s definitely not going to fix simply because one person (you) wants it that way. In my 3.5 years, you’ve been the only player to EVER complain like this, none stop about how our rules need to be removed, revamped, or whatever, but you’ve failed to give an actual reason that anyone can agree with.
Back to the point, in the past, we had less restrictions, and less commands, and yes it was fun, unless you were on the wrong side of things, you’d have people trolling, griefing, using loopholes to gain an advantage, and I’m not innocent either. We’d have 6 people all raid a separate base and absolutely wipe anyone. You’d be in solo groups so you could constantly raid one player but avoid the “harassment and group raid” rules.
It was fun, created many memories.

But that’s in the day. Commands came they started fixing all the loopholes and taking up suggestions and slowly revamping the rules to try and create an experience that’s fair for EITHER side, and quite frankly I can’t say I hate it, you can be police/civilian/criminal and have to fear what the opposite side is going to do, you can’t use loopholes to make players ragequit and gain server control.

We gave up freedom to gain balance, so that any player can experience a great time without complaining about things that are broken, or abused.

Until you give a valid, and well detailed plan I think Pandahut will stick with how it’s been, as we are the only big unturned server up and running these days, I think the system works, and if it works, don’t fix it!

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By Aren
if you continue typing this garbage on the forums after we requested you to stop for a while, your account will be locked. Feel free to report me again.

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