Post Your Ideas or Suggestions for our RP Servers Here!
So we all know that ppl like to run from us police and hide in their homes to evade arrest right? We cannot get our high cals out and break in and continue the arrest. Well that should change.
Allow us to break into bases/homes whilst arresting someone please
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By Liona
Can only break through 1-4 doors MAXIMUM or else big bases would be gutted and free for the raiding by bandits.
+1 I like this idea
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By krezen
+1 great idea useful to!
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By WarOwl
I dont like that cause ANY BASE will be gutted by bandits and free loot basically
But Its Very Good for catching people and im with that
Also it makes sure noone can run ;D So i want it to happen so if u dont wanna get gutted,dont get caught....

Good idea in general
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By Cookie
will cause extreme ammounts of false raids its stupid (for the lack of a better word)
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By Aren
Code: Select allFailing an on-going police chase. This typically means that if the arrested player has left your sight for 5 minutes, then you MUST call the arrest over.
You have 5 minutes to wait outside the base. We WILL NOT ALLOW you to break into bases over an arrest. If you have any other suggestions that you would like feedback on before posting them feel free to pm me them. If not feel free to create a new post. I'm all for new ideas that could enhance RP.
