Post Your Ideas or Suggestions for our RP Servers Here!
By Tachanka
I've been wanting to start a buisness in which I loan people money, and they owe me 5% more of what I loaned them. So for example if I loan someone 5k, they owe me 5250 within a month. If they don't whatever is in their account will be sent to the loaner (so if the person has under 5250, it would send all their balance to the loaner) but to avoid from randoms loaning, there could be this:
/loan Dutchy "500000" 1month (command)
it would then ask the person: 'You will be loaned 500000 from user Miku, and have '1month' to refund, do you accept this loan?'
The person can then say /loan accept or /loan a, or /loan decline or /loan d
If the person accept the money gets removed from the loaners account and gets transferred to the person being loaned. If the person loans someone the money they loaned, they would still have 1month to get (or whatever time,) to get the money back.
I thought this would be a great idea. Let me know what you think!
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