Post Your Ideas or Suggestions for our RP Servers Here!
Hello everybody.
Ive thought about making police-roles more interesting in a while, and i found this very funny roleplay video, of another RP server where the cops had a policecheckpoint, where people needed to pay 50 bamboo in bridge toll, to get on the other side of the bridge. All except the high ranked police and the mayor had to pay.
Please beware i think the checkpoint/toll should be located at the confederation bridge in PEI. This would be a perfect place, where the cops still would be outside of RP Town.

How it works:
Police can guard this checkpoint, and can order people to pay 50 bamboo, to get though the checkpoint. (If the officers is smart, they would do /checkplayer too) -then when the player has payed to the cops, the cops will let them though.

The officers will simply not let the person though with his vehicle. If he tries to resist / or trying to get though the bridge when not paying, he can be arrested for non-compliance.

What can this give to the server?
1. More RP interaction between cop and citizen. -> now /arrest and raids is not the only thing they will react too.
2. Cops will be able to earn a small amount of bamboo more, than they are used too.
3. When the bridge toll is empty for officers, the bridge must be open, so everybody can pass.
4.This checkpoint will give criminals more to fear.

And if we would be able to change this rule, on this very spot only in the Conf bridge on PEI for police.
sorry to ruin the fun boys but.....
Code: Select allYou CANNOT claim areas or force players to pay in order to pass by a certain area. All players may walk around the map freely, without having to pay to pass.
Rules to be added of Pandahut Checkpoint
If this get implemented their should be new rules that, this checkpoint:
- Their must be atleast one supervisor (chief or higher) at the checkpoint on all times when doing checkpoint police.
- Maxmimum of toll must be (amount) but i suggest 50 bamboo.
- Police cannot command people to pay, but they can arrest people for nonecomplaince, or tell the driver to turn around.
- If the police leaves the checkpoint, they MUST open the gate, unless this would be a ban able offence to keep it closed.

Pictures of the checkpoint.
Please beware i think the checkpoint/toll should be located at the confederation bridge in PEI. This would be a perfect place, where the cops still would be outside of RP Town.

More pics.

More pics.

More pics.
Danny Dog, Reek, Mushy liked this
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By Klockmann
BTW, i am sure that me, and bunch of other cops, will love to go do something else than just arresting people for unlicensed guns. I could do this checkpoint/trafic stops all day :party: :love:
Feedback is needed!
RyDollaSign09 liked this
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By Dre Pusheen
+1 i would think that what would need to happen is that like your current pd group you have a separate group that has access to a different station near that and they would be the only ones with access and when they log off they have to open the bridge gate and 2 you would have to have a metal gate unless you just turn the power on to let people threw then off witch would work but you would need to pick very mature people for this job that can also be sure to leave the gate open when that team is off or when no one is working at the stop to prevent clogging and getting a admin to wipe it and also if the person has something they shouldn't (drugs or unlicensed guns) then they have no where to go but back but you got the arrest on so you have perm to shoot them and finally if they do comply you could have they go and park the car next to the bridge and transport them to the station i was talking about before. so if this dose get approved you have a lot of work to be done
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By SournoisRenard
The idea is good as it does give Law Enforcement roles more things to do other than arrest for unlicensed weapons or drugs.
Gives me a chance to finally get arrested more than 2 times a month :P
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By tMoist
+1, I saw that video and wished we had more things like this on 13.
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By Loxtonjoel

F this gets accepted a change n the rules is nesserery, I can give you the money to build if you want :party: :-)
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By Dragon
sorry to ruin the fun boys but.....
Code: Select allYou CANNOT claim areas or force players to pay in order to pass by a certain area. All players may walk around the map freely, without having to pay to pass.
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By Classified_
sorry to ruin the fun boys but.....
Code: Select allYou CANNOT claim areas or force players to pay in order to pass by a certain area. All players may walk around the map freely, without having to pay to pass.
Reek liked this