You can talk about anything you ever want here! (Within Pandahut Rules)
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By Queenie
This isnt realy off-topic, but I have noticed that on Sept 24, 2016... It will be my 1st year anniversary as staff on pandahut! I know that Admin Hello420's 1st year staff anniversary will sometime this week. Damn a year has gone so quickly!Congratuations to us veteran pandas!
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By Black Jesus
This isnt realy off-topic, but I have noticed that on Sept 24, 2016... It will be my 1st year anniversary as staff on pandahut! I know that Admin Hello420's 1st year staff anniversary will sometime this week. Damn a year has gone so quickly!Congratuations to us veteran pandas!
Unturned. The game that brings people together whether it be for groups, servers, or even a full community.
You, Pandahut, and Unturned have all come a long way and we will continue to grow.
I hope someday as an adult you and everyone else will look back on the things you did here and remember that you actually did make a difference. It doesn't matter how small you still motivated everyone to be great.
In order to go a full 365 days without getting demoted or being a nuisance means that you did everything you possibly can to achieve the position you have today and you should be proud of everything.

And it all started with the dream of a couple average people making a server...