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I, the God of Jets, Waypoint challenges everyone to fight me in a jet.

This event that I will host will be on Pandahut 6: Russia PvP Server. On Saturday 4pm PST. No Rules (Execpt pandahut pvp rules), entire map, all air vehicles allowed, and the main goal is to kill me as many times as you can (if its possible). You can bring a team, you can be a solo, you can fight other people besides me. An entire aircraft war. This battle will go on as long as it can, no time limit. Anti Air/Ground v Air is allowed but should be reserved for the poor people of Pandahut.

Please reply to this forum post if you are interested, so for players to get an idea on who will be in this battle & what to expect. As of this moment there is no prize, just the opportunity to gang up on me and shoot me down.
No plates
What time will it be?