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By Outspace
Say what you will. I will let what I do speak for me. Im not gonna argue with you. The reason I switched to kidnapper was because amar was bitching about nothing happening. I wanted to get 1 more kidnap in before I was mayor
Stay calm and grow berries
By Outspace
« bitching »? nice term to be used. and what are these laws you made, a robbery is 3 min jail time LMAooooo
a robbery is not 3 minutes, read the laws cutie
« bitching »? nice term to be used. and what are these laws you made, a robbery is 3 min jail time LMAooooo
a robbery is not 3 minutes, read the laws cutie
Who the hell ever reads the laws? I know I don’t 🏵
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By Helena
I m sure these things are gonna happen now
1) Town balance RIP - BMC Members have been standing in for the elections since October 2018 and all those town balance bamboos are being purely used for criminal purposes ( except ghostdragon, who was not a bmc member when he was a mayor ) I m for sure town balance will be credited to BMC Account

why are people dense to understand that BMC already has the richest players in pandahut, including wuavo and outspace herself.
Mr AJ liked this
By wonslowcar
outspace not funding the police does absolutely nothing. coming from someone who's been police chief 2 times and police deputy, not only do police rarely get paid, the only time in which any sort of funding is needed is in the production of a base. or better said "was" in the production of a base. mayors forcefeeding police money has been a problem since the beginning. I've gotten funding from mayors, never as much as they promised or told the public, but still funding. It does nothing but help the police officer in question
By Outspace
outspace not funding the police does absolutely nothing. coming from someone who's been police chief 2 times and police deputy, not only do police rarely get paid, the only time in which any sort of funding is needed is in the production of a base. or better said "was" in the production of a base. mayors forcefeeding police money has been a problem since the beginning. I've gotten funding from mayors, never as much as they promised or told the public, but still funding. It does nothing but help the police officer in question
This is them just slandering me. Me refusing to fund blackhawks due to what amar has done is not refusing to fund police. Ive alrwady given out almost 50k in funding to police but I refuse to give any to an organization ran by amar.