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Helmet/Vest Protection Information?

Unread postPosted:November 21st, 2018, 1:37 pm

I was wondering what's the strongest Helmet and Vest in-game for Pandahut. I was also wondering if the helmets did anything to protect you from bullets to the head.


Re: Helmet/Vest Protection Information?

Unread postPosted:November 21st, 2018, 2:32 pm
by Flopdup
Pandahut uses the default unturned item stats, no weapons/armors damage is modified in any way.

Re: Helmet/Vest Protection Information?

Unread postPosted:November 21st, 2018, 5:06 pm
by Aren
Pandahut uses the default unturned item stats, no weapons/armors damage is modified in any way.

Therefore the following helmets offer a .85(15%) damage reduction (current highest)

Any Military Hemet
Fighter Pilot Hemet

Here is a list of Vest protections :
Poncho .95 (5%) (this is only here to show that the HIGHER the NUMBER(closer to 1%) has the worst rating
Spec ops vest .65 ( 35%)(as seen here the lower the number the highest damage reduction)
Ghillie Vest .9 (10%)
Police .8(20%)
Coalition .7 (30%)

You may find ALL of the information above on their wiki/fandom page :D