Post Your Ideas or Suggestions for PvP Servers Here!
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By FloppyDisk
I would like to request a higher player cap on the servers.

Its always difficult to get into one of the servers because they are full 90% of the time... :cry:

Maybe up to 30 players or so.
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By Arashi_tlk
More players on a map does usually mean more lag of course. But even if the cap was increased, it would still be full during peak hours. It was once higher than 24, 32 I believe, for a bit on a few of the servers and it would still be full during those peak hours. Best thing to do is just keep refreshing like everyone else until you can get in.
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By Mushy
More people means more lag unfortunately. Nelson suggests a max of 24.
Nelson forces it at 24. Our servers can handle 32+ players without any issues. We never had problems on our 32-slot Washington maps back when we were allowed to have more than 24 slots.

To answer your question, no, we cannot make the player cap higher because the game developer does not allow it.