You can talk about anything you ever want here! (Within Pandahut Rules)
By Ragy38571
How do you make the prefix appear after doing the /duty command? I am just very curious because i will be taking coding next year and I just can't wait.

before doing /duty: Ragy38571
after doing /duty: [ADMIN] Ragy38571
Please tell me what coding you use to make it happen. Please and thank you
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By Social Skillz
its basically how they do the role system, where if you do /role weaponsmith and it adds weaponsmith tag, its basically the same thing
its just coding. the /duty pretty much follows the role system, like a job, then when you do /duty again it removes it
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By TrippL
Its the same as adding prefixes to any other group/role, look up how to do it if you don’t know how.